program information

Become an artist in residence

Applications for 2025 Artist in Residency Opportunities are now open through October 11, 2024. Click through the options to see the details of each residency opportunity.

1-2 residencies are available for artists to create immersive, interactive interior spaces. These residencies will take place before June 2025.

A unique opportunity combining a two-week spring residency with on-site presence during the 2025 Green Box Arts Festival (June 27 – July 12, 2025). The selected artist will create feature articles in advance of the Festival, write daily blog posts reviewing Festival events, and provide pre/post context conversations during Festival events.

1-2 residencies between September and November 2025, utilizing the newly restored Sallie Bush Community Center in Green Mountain Falls as the primary studio space.

1-2 additional residencies to be determined based on applications received.

What to expect

We provide time and space to our resident artists, to develop and/or create new work. We develop deliverables for each residency on a case-by-case basis. In general, our residencies are one month long, and include a generous stipend and housing in our dedicated artist housing, known as "The Shed."

Artist expenses

We work with artists to ensure they have everything they need to have a successful residency. While apartment-style living quarters are provided with a full kitchen, we do not offer any meals. We also suggest that artists plan on renting a vehicle during their stay.

What else

We expect all resident artists to commit to a series of community engagement activities while in residence, which are designed around each specific residency. This often takes the form of masterclasses, performances, open studios, etc.

Your home away from home

The Shed is our wonderful, recently restored, dedicated artist in residency housing.  The building is exclusively made up of three bedrooms, each with a private bathroom across two apartments.  Each apartment also features a full kitchen, living space, and other expected amenities. 

Artist Residency Program Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any further questions about the Artist Residency Program at Green Box, please contact our office at 

The number of residencies we provide annually varies from year to year, but in general – between 6-8.

Absolutely not.  While we love individual artists and welcome them regularly, we are also interested in duos, trios or larger ensembles.

Yes, but…you must be at least 21 years old.  Additionally, we welcome applications from both domestic and international artists.

Our Artist-in-Residence committee reads and evaluates each completed application, followed up by phone conversations with applicants who have become finalists.

Make art here

Become a part of Green Box’s history and become part of the fabric of Green Mountain Falls.